In some cases, you might experience problems when running php artisan tinker in a shared hosting environment. The problem might be similar to this:
Psy\Exception\RuntimeException Unable to create PsySH runtime directory. Make sure PHP is able to write to /run/user/10057 in order to continue.
To resolve this issue, create the folder ~/.config/psysh/ and the file ~/.config/psysh/config.php. The contents should be like this. When you have SSH access, you can run the snippet below.
<?php return [ 'runtimeDir' => '~/tmp' ];
Note: ~ equals the home folder and gets automatically resolved. For DirectAdmin and cPanel this is /home/username/ and for Plesk this is /var/www/vhosts/hoofddomeinnaam.
SSH command for fixing php artisan tinker Psy\Exception\RuntimeException
Unable to create PsySH runtime directory
mkdir ~/.config/psysh/ -p echo "<?php return [ 'runtimeDir' => '~/tmp' ];" >> ~/.config/psysh/config.php